Plasma Cloud supports the following Open Mesh devices:
- MR1750, A42, A62, A40, A60,
Click here for more info
You might notice that all the accesspoints are online (last check-in time is 5 minutes or less) , but at the same time it does not show a blue “status” symbol for each device in the plasma-cloud portal.
The reason is that the plasma-cloud devices establish a permanent cloud connection to connection.device.plasma-cloud.com – TCP port 80 (as reported in our firewall article). This connection is normally idling and some firewalls kill idling connection after a certain amount of time.
Killing this connection is what leads to turning the flame grey in the console and also may trigger email notifications.
On firewall/modems manufactured by some brands (like Draytek) we have seen that the default NAT session timeout for WWW connections is 60 seconds. Increasing this value to 1day normally solves the issue.
For Draytek click here.
portmaptime -l
portmaptime -w 86400
Access points
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Update 08-01-2024
Normally you would access the plasma-cloud console via https://console.plasma-cloud.com
To be able to see and use the migration wizard, you need to use a temporary url: https://migrate.console.plasma-cloud.com
This url stops working on 31-01-2024
Click here for more information.
There has been a update on the cloudtrax portal which causes that the plasma-cloud migration wizard is not showing the cloudtrax network list. The developers of Datto clearly made a mistake, but sofar Datto is not willing to fix the issue.
But there is a work arround available by installing the following chrome plugin: Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
After installation you need to enable it by setting the “Toggle ON | OFF” to “ON”. When it is enabled the wizard shows again the cloudtrax network list. After running the wizard, you can best set the “Toggle ON | OFF” back to “OFF”.
Click here for the firmware of the switches.
Click here for the firmware of the switches.
Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Open-Mesh firmware: Default IP after reset
Plasma-Cloud firmware: Default IP after reset